

Head Designer of THE ALEXANDRE,
Alexandre Dorriz Discusses Fibonacci Influence, the Absence of Rules in Photography, and the Connection between His Work and the Viewer


Masa Zokaei: What inspired the space, galaxy design of the dress featured on the cover of Javanan Magazine?

Alexandre Dorriz: The dress is really an offshoot of my 2010 collection. It’s really converting that theme into wedding dress design. More importantly,JavananMasa1286-02 the genesis of these designs is less inspired by space and galaxy themes and more from natural themes of the earth, like oceanic waves, Fibonacci sequences, etc. I’m actually quite confused as to this label of space and galaxy dressmaking – but I think everyone’s come to call it that…

MZ: What is currently going on at the Maison (du Shahla Dorriz)?

AZ: Lots of designing. I’m emailing sketches daily to our seamstresses and Shahla, but it’s different because I have to work with dresses personally – with my own hands, to create the correct twirl and for it to be constructed properly. But Shahla and I have a good understanding of what these dresses will turn out like from the sketch to the runway.

MZ: What have you been up to recently in the world of fashion and photography?

AZ: I’ve been falling into the world of advertising a bit. Commercial photography. Ironically, I find there to be more creativity in that field just because of its set of rules already created, whereas in fashion there tends to be no rules and it really gets quite annoying with the amount of rules being broken by fashion designers and photographers. Of course, there really are no rules. We all know this. But let’s pretend there are.

MZ: So why did you leave us in LA for the cold winters of Berkeley?

AZ: Yes. Honestly. The main reason is weather. I’m pretty sure I’ve been the most creative in cold environments. Ok. Maybe not, that’s a little irrational. But yes, I do love the weather here.

MZ: Tell me about the fashion scene up north? What are some of the trends in Berkley? Or maybe what styles aren’t so trendy, but that you appreciate.

AZ: Berkeley is, um, interesting. Can’t think of any certain trends that have really caught my attention but I do tend to generally favor the cold weather and the attire of cold weather, so seeing people in their overcoats and puffy jackets is nicer than the jeans and flip-flops we Angelenos get. JavananMasa1286-03

MZ: Tell me about the photo you have on the background of your Facebook page?

AZ: The photograph is an experimentation of fine art rules. I’ve spent the last six months working with quite large fine art printers that develop what Epson calls “Archival Pigment Prints” and these printers require much maintenance and tests to print the correct quality print the artist/photographer is seeking. This portfolio, which is in development, is an idea of denying the importance of how the photographer views the photograph. Look at the image again (also seen on my homepage on my website) and you tilt your monitor back and forth and move your head around the image and you experience different shifts in lighting. This is what I’m seeking: An interaction with my viewers and audience. These are all actual photographs taken of bronze sculptures by Auguste Rodin. I’ve photographed the entire portfolio across quite the scale of time, some from NY, Paris, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Pasadena; the image you see now is from the Met in NY.

MZ: What’s been going on with the THE ALEXANDRE?

AZ: THE ALEXANDRE is slowly migrating into a design firm. A creative agency. Bigger than fashion. Bigger than photography. That’s where I see it going and that’s where I would like to take it. We shall see. for more visual goodies. 

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